Carol Burnett always ended her show in that lyrical, graceful way. If you have decided to end your current relationship, can you do the same? They say that love means never having to say you’re sorry, but you might have to give an explanation.
What has brought you to this point?
In many relationships a breakup can come as a surprise. You think everything is okay and then the other person drops the bomb. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, this is a common tactic used by men when they want to upgrade to a newer model. But don’t think that women can’t also employ such if they feel they can get away with it.
But, typically, people who love each other want to make a better break than that when the situation warrants it. Even in love, things can run their course. Getting out of a hard relationship is not always as easy as falling into one.
Guys – Keep it Personal
This is for the men who are notorious for trying to remain aloof as they say good-bye to their current love. Technology is a wonderful thing in many respects but it should not be used to end something that was once so personal.
The experts say that verbal communication is only about 7 percent of the equation. That still leaves about 93 percent that comes from somewhere else – mostly body language. It can be hard to portray this over the phone or in a text message. You can try to read tone of voice but even that can be misinterpreted.
If you really care about this person whom you say you love, show them the dignity they have earned by showing up and facing the situation together. There will be questions and may be some tears but it needs to be done. Now you can make a clean break with no misinterpretations or regrets.
Girls – Say What you Have to Say
As women, we are often more sentimental in relationships. We try to prolong things by fudging over what we want to say. Before you meet for the “big talk” get yourself together. Stick to your guns if you really feel that the love is gone.
Some say that departing the relationship where you began it is therapeutic. For women, this may be just the ticket to give you the strength to see this thing through. Above all, keep your self-respect. Your mate may try to persuade you to change your mind, but don’t lose your resolve.
Avoid assigning blame. This can inflame a bad situation. Make eye contact as you say what you need to say to make your position plain. Don’t mix signals. Touching and caressing (even just hands) can confuse what you are saying.
Ending love is an intensely personal situation. It can’t be handled properly over the phone or with a text message. Leave on a good note so you both have a positive outlook on future relationships.
“If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.”
- Source Unknown
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