

The Scientific Advantages of Expressing Appreciation

Intro: The advantages of expressing appreciation in your everyday life are numerous. Not only will you receive mental and emotional health benefits as well as physical ones, you will also draw life-changing benefits to you. It’s the Law of Attraction in action.

Sometimes, in life, you need to look at life from a different point of view. For example, the art of forgiveness is something that is thought of as being solely for the benefit of the one who has hurt you. However, forgiving someone who has done you wrong is actually a benefit to you. By releasing bitterness and anger, you are saving your own emotional and mental health as well as making room for more positive affirmations to enter your being. The acidity of bitterness is no longer draining your health, allowing you to possibly appreciate the life lesson you had learned from that experience. It is all a matter of perception.

Adopting an attitude of gratitude will fill your life with an awakening and an awareness of all that is lovely, joyous, and magnificent in the world in which we live in. By shifting your focus to the positive, you are essentially telling your mind to delete much of the negative. Studies have actually shown that living a more optimistic life boosts the immune system, warding off disease, insomnia, and depression to name a few things.

By utilizing positive affirmations, you bring closer to you the things you deserve which are rightfully yours – a magnificent and awe-inspiring life. By expressing appreciation, you exude gratitude, which then returns to you two-fold in even more gratifying ways. You are drawing unto yourself positive life experiences like a magnet as you release gratitude into the universe, watching it return with empowering, life-changing experiences.

Gratitude and appreciation are positive emotions that fill you up with the feeling of thankfulness for what you already have and for what you believe that you are about to receive. The art of positive psychology shows the belief that releasing this positive emotion into the universe brings about positive change, therefore allowing you to experience life-altering changes as a result.

The art of being grateful is not just a momentary thought process, however, it is also a long-term process. Once the practice of gratitude is put into place, it must continue to be a reinforced behavior with weekly mental and emotional exercises in order to sustain this premise. Again, while the benefits of expressing appreciation improve your mental and emotional health as well as your physical status, these benefits are coupled with those that will make themselves known in all aspects of your life.

If you continue to practice gratefulness, you will not only experience life-altering experiences in the moment, but will also continue to do so throughout the rest of your magnificent life.

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